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Who We Are -- and Who We Aren't

We're a group of independent senior business executives with extensive experience optimizing employer health plans for client companies. We don't work on commission like 90% of brokers and most Big Box firms -- we work directly for our clients, with transparent consulting fees. This means we never have to meet any PPO persistency commission goals for our employer that end up being good financially for us, but not our clients. Our agnostic approach allows us to present the best deconstructed health plan solutions with independent TPAs, PBMs, RBP, and any other plan components.


As a health plan co-fiduciary, WTF Benefits shares with the plan fiduciaries the primary responsibility to run the plan solely in the interest of participants and beneficiaries and for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits and paying reasonable plan expenses. To the extent plan assets are used to pay plan expenses, fiduciaries must know the costs of the services that have been procured and apply "prudent person" due diligence to ensure the costs are reasonable relative to the level of services delivered. 

The U.S. Department of Labor, charged with enforcing the fiduciary laws, has begun demanding documentation from select employers to ensure  compliance with CAA. Fiduciaries who do not follow these principles of conduct may be personally liable to restore any losses to the plan, or to restore any profits made through improper use of plan assets.

We have the resources and back office support of our strategic partner NFP, a Top 6 employee benefits and insurance company, and our primary co-broker partner Benecept is certified by Health Rosetta, the leading force for improving status quo health plans.

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About John Glascott

After 25 years as a C-Level business executive leading sales and revenue generating operations at various digital media and SaaS companies, WTF's President John Glascott, entered the benefits ecosystem in 2017 as CRO of a leading Reference Based Pricing company.

In a career spent working to help partner clients increase sales, revenue, and profits, he knew business, not benefits. His business experience taught him all about helping clients solve business problems, not contribute to them. The open and transparent business solutions he experienced his entire career seemed to be missing in the employer health benefits world.

To a newcomer, the employer health benefits ecosystem seemed stuck in status quo, with a closed opaque marketplace leaving employers limited choices, driven by perverse financial incentives for brokers. Like any cartel, egregious black box business practices are standard, unlike any other U.S. industry.

For plan members as patients and consumers, it’s by design the only industry with limited or no pre-purchase comparison price and quality shopping ability. Employers and their employees are stumbling around in a dark room with no light to guide them.

Since benefits brokers drive employer health plan decisions, John decided to earn a benefits advisory license to help employers turn that dark room into a sunroom. To help bring transparent imporved benefits to employees. To achieve healthcare cost containment via strategic plan design as a co-broker with established broker(s) committed to transparency who work for their clients, not the PPOs.

We love to help employers implement the proven steps to lower costs and provide better benefits for employees.

Contact Us

 ... And Get a Free, No Obligation Savings Analysis!

 Just provide your 2023 and/or 2024 renewal documents with PPO carrier exhibits -- and we'll tell you how to save on healthcare costs, with better benefits. To get started, just get in touch with us:


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