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Who’s the Fiduciary

On Your Health Plan?

WTF Benefits is your transparency guide and acting co-fiduciary through the intentionally opaque health benefits world with strategic consulting and implementation on plan design, risk planning, service contract review, and full CAA compliance. All with transparent fees and services pricing. Isn't it time you had a benefits advisor whose financial incentives are aligned with yours vs. biasing commissions from PPOs and other plan service components?


High Performing Strategic Plans

We go way beyond next year’s renewal and develop a three-year strategic route to an optimized high performing health plan. Plans that are transparent in every aspect, deliver better benefits to employees, and lower annual costs $1,000 to $3,000 Per Employee Per Year from status quo PPO plans.

We Work for You, Not the Insurer

You pay us a transparent consulting fee to act as your plan’s co-fiduciary. We don't work on commission, and we're not 1099’s for PPOs being paid higher annual commissions as your premiums increase. We work for you, with incentives for lowering your costs -- not increasing them. When was your last flat or down premium year?

What We Offer

Co-Brokers for Your Specific Needs

WTF co-brokers with the right partners for your needs. A partner that has a large national footprint (NFP) and is Health Rosetta certified (Benecept) providing national support and execution with all data analysis and back-office work.

Proven Track Record for Lowering Costs

We’ve worked first-hand with hundreds of client employers to leave or amend status quo health plans (Big Name PPO, ASO & PBM) in order to optimize their health benefits to offer better plans at reduced costs. There’s a proven strategy and path to do this -- and we help all of our clients do it.

We Get Results in Year 1

Our employer clients who amend a status quo PPO plan see an average of 10%-15% in cost reductions in Year 1. That savings is usually passed along to employees via lower deductibles, giving our clients more competitive benefits for retention and hiring. By Year 3, our clients see savings of 30%-40% for employers leaving PPOs!

Abstract Background


7 Myths Your Health Broker Hopes You Believe (But Just Aren't True)

If your healthcare costs automatically increase every year, but your broker’s advice is to stay as is, or move from Big Carrier A to Big Carrier B, it’s time to say "WTF?" Renewing last year’s plan without addressing the core issues that are driving higher costs will not work in the long run for your company, your bottom line, or your employees. In this free guide, we've debunked the most common myths that health brokers hope you believe but just aren’t true by giving you straight forward facts, with practical steps for reducing costs without sacrificing benefits. Because it's not about what your broker has already told you; it's what your broker has not told you that really matters.

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Contact Us

 ... And Get a Free, No Obligation Savings Analysis!  

 Just provide your 2024 and/or 2025 renewal documents with PPO carrier exhibits -- and we'll tell you how to save on healthcare costs, with better benefits. To get started, just get in touch with us:


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